Our 4th Annual Derby Day Fundraiser is May 10th at 10am, see our event page here.

Beautiful Feet Ministry

Since 2012, Beautiful Feet Ministry has been walking with female victims of sexual exploitation, which includes stripping, pornography, prostitution, or sex trafficking. After their rescue, recovery begins. Working to break the cycle of sexual exploitation one woman at a time, Beautiful Feet connects women with Christ and helps them find the courage and confidence to begin a new life.

Open the Door and see what God is doing at Beautiful Feet Ministry.

Residential Program

Our residential home offers a 50-acre country lot with three horses and the Appalachian Mountains of North Georgia in the distance. Beautiful Feet Ministry is a long-term THOR-approved residential rehabilitation program for survivors of sexual exploitation and trafficking. A Christ-centered, trauma-informed restoration program provides comprehensive care with resources and training for personal development and healing in mental, spiritual, physical, educational, and healthy life skills. The average time in our program is 12 months and includes drug and alcohol with sexual exploitation curriculum, chores in the home, and the care of our horses. 


Bring life transformation and healing through the knowledge of Jesus Christ to women suffering from the consequences of sexual exploitation and human trafficking.

What we do

Through trauma-informed care, supportive relationships, the love of Christ, and an environment for healing. A home where victims learn to live a hope-filled life. Our comprehensive care offers medical, mental, spiritual, educational, life skills, and equine care and therapy. Safe and confidential recovery for life-long transformation. 

Beautiful Feet provides a family-style atmosphere for women and a safe, peaceful recovery.

Download an application and email a scan or photo of completed application to crobeson@straightstreetministry.org

Donate to Beautiful Feet

“Open the Door” for Christ-centered recovery. Your financial support enables the ongoing work of reaching, assisting, and supplying needs for survivors of sexual exploitation and human trafficking. Donate monthly or give a one-time donation today.


The average monthly cost for one woman is $750

Family reunification $25 per month

GED / Education $25 per month

Curriculum $50 per month

Medical care $175 per month

Food $175 per month

Utilities $175 per month

General / Misc $125 per month

  • Comprehensive care in our program addresses spirituality, fun and interests, emotions, family and relationships, physical health and nutrition, healthy, balanced rest, safe friends, life skills, work, education, and lifelong recovery.

    Phase 1 - Sets the foundation for the healing journey at Beautiful Feet. As it comes up, trauma is addressed in a safe and healthy environment.  Daily living skills are taught and practiced daily, checklists are given, and a community is being built. Phase 1 deals with pain as it presents itself, intentionally moving towards the pain so that healing can occur. We apply new coping skills in place of avoidance or running.

    Phase 2 - A woman will face her trauma and map a new future. After establishing safe coping skills and understanding their identity in Christ, the resident will delve into the deeper emotional and traumatic situations from their past. This phase is marked by exploration, insight, grieving, deep levels of hurt, unforgiveness, forgiveness, and safe family reconciliation. The women begin to see how their trauma and past were damaging and alienating them.

    Phase 3 - A resident is emotionally reconnecting with healthy living with joy. Exercising healthy coping skills and being productive and active in their community.  Past trauma is not forgotten, but now, having created a healthy, fulfilling life in the present, they can practice healthy relationships, education, jobs, and activities. Develop meaningful life goals and accomplish them. Essentially, they complete the task of identifying their new, healthier identity to replace the old identities of “victim” to victor.  In this phase, the resident is moving towards independence and looking forward to graduating from the program.

    Click to download an application for this program.

  • Our long-term residential program has several accreditations:

    Georgia Association Recovery Residency (GARR)

    Transitional Housing for Offender Reentry (THOR),

    Reentry Partnership Housing (RPH)

    Nationally accredited through the National Trafficking Sheltered Alliance (NTSA)

    Addictions specialist certified Biblical Counselor of Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC).

    Our preventative care brings community awareness and ministers to incarcerated youth through the Regional Youth Detention Center (RYDC). Resources for minors: Children’s Center for Hope & Healing 770-532-6530 Georgia Cares 1-844-842-3678goes here

  • Our volunteer opportunities have varying time and training commitments. If you'd like to learn more, please email us to learn how to get involved.

    Items to collect for our residents:

    hygiene products, paper towels, toilet paper, hair brushes, tooth brushes, tooth paste, socks, under clothes. If you have an item you would like to collect please contact us first.

  • Request one of our speakers to share at your school, company, church, or civic organization. Promote awareness in your community or teach safety awareness.

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Donate in Honor of a loved one

Honor your friends, family and loved ones by making a tax-deductible donation to our Beautiful Feet ministry. When you make an honor gift donation, your loved one will be mailed a beautiful card made by a Beautiful Feet resident letting them know about the gift in their name.

For immediate help contact Frontline 24/7 RESCUE HOTLINE 404-941-6024 for immediate assistance out of sex trafficking or exploitation.

Homelessness women’s support line 404-946-3729 - Mon-Fri 9am-4pm

Application process

Email a scan or photo of completed application to crobeson@straightstreetministry.org

Want to volunteer or learn more? Contact US